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More Updates, Slowly

I've been working on updates to the site. Very minor, but important things like SEO, quality of life, and upgrading my Python packages.

In the Background

I realized I wasn't exactly one-to-one between my old portfolio site and this one.

Namely, my Google Analytics did get updated to GA-4, but I forgot several things. This includes, page navigation problems using the navigation.instant feature in Material for MkDocs and Google's Search Engine Console not liking that. Specifically, had a problem with using XHR requests to fetch the page, then having the browser paint the screen for the changes and overall indexing for search, so I moved back to normal navigation. Each request goes all the way back to my hosting site and returns to the client/user. It's a bit of a bandaid and not the most performant but will work well for now.

I've also updated the site meta tags so hopefully that'll give a boost. Also was missing my sitemap.xml so I added more properties to my mkdocs.yml and added a link to the footer.

Homepage Design

At the moment, I'm not sure how I want my homepage to look, but I did start with diving into overrides again. Created a home.html, which imports from main.html. Made it easier to have a specific HTML title for one page, but keep the global the same. Also gives me a spot to work on having homepage-specific HTML and CSS. Slow going, but will create some wireframes once I get an idea of useful information I want to showcase and criteria overall.


Hopefully, I can start fleshing out the homepage first. Get that all sorted, then next stage will be moving back to my portfolio section and also creating an "About Me" page. The new about page will be like my resume (which I make using HTML and CSS instead of Word, InDesign, etc.), including links to other sections of this website and my socials.

More to come!